A few of the members of the Ordo Fraternitas have started up some blogs lately. So Rhellion and I decided to have a Blog vs Blog battle report pitting his 4th Company Ultramarines vs my Necrons... and as fate would have it I left the batteries for my camera in the charger at home so I have stolen all the pics he took of the battle from his blog... thanks bro!
Here is my army. I took The Deceiver, Lord (WarScythe, Res Orb, Nightmare Shroud, Gaze of Flame.) 4 x 10 Warriors. 2 x 3 Destroyers. 4 Scarab Swarms. Monolith. Heavy Destroyers (2 & 1).

Rhellion took his first step into the Drop Pod realm featuring a Captain tooled up with a Jump Pack, Storm Shield, and Relic Blade. Terminator Librarian with Might of Ancients and Vortex. Ironclad Dreadnought in a Drop Pod, 5 Assault Terminators, some Sternguard and 3 x 10 man Tactical Squads all in Drop Pods, 10 man Assault Squad, 5 man Scout Bikes.

The board was a rocky landscape with large LoS blocking mountains and hills scattered around. The mission would be Capture and Control using Spearhead Deployment.

My objective would be in a small ruin while the Ultramarine object was tucked away behind a mountain in the opposite corner...

Rhellion took first turn so I opted to deploy everything. My plan was to send the Deceiver straight for the Ultramarine objective then try and hold mine with the rest of my army... can you spot the 3 Necron HQ choices in the pic below? A Grand Illusion indeed.

Scout bikes are the only Marines on the table and scout forward to position their Locator Beacon. The Deceiver used his Grand Illusion ability to redeploy a unit of Necrons that is a little too close to the bikers...

The Sternguard, Ironclad, and one Tactical Squad drop down in Turn 1. The Sternguard scatter way off target, the Ironclad lands in front of the Monolith and gets a Weapon Destroyed result I believe, the tactical squad and bikers combine fire and send a squad of Necrons falling back... LD10 FTW!

Fleeing Necrons rally. Combined fire reduces the Scout bikers to just the sarge (who will eventually charge into combat and get pummeled before he can swing his fist). Around this time we realize the Destroyer Lord should not be on the table. Too much PlanetStrike (3 HQ choices) with this army and I've used the Destroyer Lord in every battle I've ever had with my Necrons (but this one)... so yeah that's my excuse :P

The Deceiver eventually wrecks the Ironclad in combat...

The Assault Terminators and remaining two Tactical Squads drop down...

One Tac Squad heads for their Objective while the Sternguard boldly move forward...

And promptly get eaten by The Deceiver who can move through mountains...

I concentrate every last bit of firepower to kill Assault Terminators and drop 3 of them.

The last of the Ultramarine reserves, the Assault Marines and Captain arrive in Turn 3 and send a unit of Destroyers fleeing in terror!

Bloody(oily) combat errupts all over. 2 wounds are done to the last two Assault Terminators who promptly roll snake-eyes on their armour saves... huge! Love this picture... nice one Rhellion.

The Deceiver inspects the Drop Pods...

More combat. Tactical Marines vs Necrons = Stalemate. The Necron Lord fails difficult terrain roll to pounce on the Librarian.

The 4th Company couldn't stop the Nightbringer before... they can't stop the Deceiver now...

Assault Marines, Captain, and Librarian smash the Lord and a squad of Necrons... The Lord comes back to life and the Monolith ports him out of combat while some destroyed Necrons join the huge stalemate fight. Shooting makes the Assault Squad "tactically withdraw". The Terminator Librarian makes two huge invulnerable saves to avoid being blasted apart by Heavy Gauss Cannons. Sort of makes up for those snake-eyes earlier.

The Assault squad will eventually come back to join in the big stalemate assault, I'm losing by 1 or 2 wounds a turn but keep making my leadership tests and We'll Be Back rolls.

The Captain and Librarian carve up the Necrons in heroic fashion while the Necron Lord keeps his Warriors in the fight with his Resurrection Orb.

The Warriors port out and the Librarian is finally brought low by Heavy Gauss Cannon while the Ultramarine Captain (Uriel Ventris?) fights to the Necron objective chopping up all in his path... eventually he is brought down by massed shooting despite making an incredible amount of armor and Storm Shield saves.

The Necron squad on the left are champions! They hold back the Marines for something like 8 assault phases...

5 Tactical marines find their way to the Necrons guarding their objective. The assault is a stalemate. The Necron Lord charges in for a chance at victory if combat is won but totally whiffs on all his attacks!

The game ends on Turn 6 with the Necron objective contested and The Deceiver having wiped out the Tactical Squad holding the Ultramarine objective. A hard fought draw!
Here is my army. I took The Deceiver, Lord (WarScythe, Res Orb, Nightmare Shroud, Gaze of Flame.) 4 x 10 Warriors. 2 x 3 Destroyers. 4 Scarab Swarms. Monolith. Heavy Destroyers (2 & 1).
Rhellion took his first step into the Drop Pod realm featuring a Captain tooled up with a Jump Pack, Storm Shield, and Relic Blade. Terminator Librarian with Might of Ancients and Vortex. Ironclad Dreadnought in a Drop Pod, 5 Assault Terminators, some Sternguard and 3 x 10 man Tactical Squads all in Drop Pods, 10 man Assault Squad, 5 man Scout Bikes.
The board was a rocky landscape with large LoS blocking mountains and hills scattered around. The mission would be Capture and Control using Spearhead Deployment.
My objective would be in a small ruin while the Ultramarine object was tucked away behind a mountain in the opposite corner...
Rhellion took first turn so I opted to deploy everything. My plan was to send the Deceiver straight for the Ultramarine objective then try and hold mine with the rest of my army... can you spot the 3 Necron HQ choices in the pic below? A Grand Illusion indeed.
Scout bikes are the only Marines on the table and scout forward to position their Locator Beacon. The Deceiver used his Grand Illusion ability to redeploy a unit of Necrons that is a little too close to the bikers...
The Sternguard, Ironclad, and one Tactical Squad drop down in Turn 1. The Sternguard scatter way off target, the Ironclad lands in front of the Monolith and gets a Weapon Destroyed result I believe, the tactical squad and bikers combine fire and send a squad of Necrons falling back... LD10 FTW!
Fleeing Necrons rally. Combined fire reduces the Scout bikers to just the sarge (who will eventually charge into combat and get pummeled before he can swing his fist). Around this time we realize the Destroyer Lord should not be on the table. Too much PlanetStrike (3 HQ choices) with this army and I've used the Destroyer Lord in every battle I've ever had with my Necrons (but this one)... so yeah that's my excuse :P
The Deceiver eventually wrecks the Ironclad in combat...
The Assault Terminators and remaining two Tactical Squads drop down...
One Tac Squad heads for their Objective while the Sternguard boldly move forward...
And promptly get eaten by The Deceiver who can move through mountains...
I concentrate every last bit of firepower to kill Assault Terminators and drop 3 of them.
The last of the Ultramarine reserves, the Assault Marines and Captain arrive in Turn 3 and send a unit of Destroyers fleeing in terror!
Bloody(oily) combat errupts all over. 2 wounds are done to the last two Assault Terminators who promptly roll snake-eyes on their armour saves... huge! Love this picture... nice one Rhellion.
The Deceiver inspects the Drop Pods...
More combat. Tactical Marines vs Necrons = Stalemate. The Necron Lord fails difficult terrain roll to pounce on the Librarian.
The 4th Company couldn't stop the Nightbringer before... they can't stop the Deceiver now...
Assault Marines, Captain, and Librarian smash the Lord and a squad of Necrons... The Lord comes back to life and the Monolith ports him out of combat while some destroyed Necrons join the huge stalemate fight. Shooting makes the Assault Squad "tactically withdraw". The Terminator Librarian makes two huge invulnerable saves to avoid being blasted apart by Heavy Gauss Cannons. Sort of makes up for those snake-eyes earlier.
The Assault squad will eventually come back to join in the big stalemate assault, I'm losing by 1 or 2 wounds a turn but keep making my leadership tests and We'll Be Back rolls.
The Captain and Librarian carve up the Necrons in heroic fashion while the Necron Lord keeps his Warriors in the fight with his Resurrection Orb.
The Warriors port out and the Librarian is finally brought low by Heavy Gauss Cannon while the Ultramarine Captain (Uriel Ventris?) fights to the Necron objective chopping up all in his path... eventually he is brought down by massed shooting despite making an incredible amount of armor and Storm Shield saves.
The Necron squad on the left are champions! They hold back the Marines for something like 8 assault phases...
5 Tactical marines find their way to the Necrons guarding their objective. The assault is a stalemate. The Necron Lord charges in for a chance at victory if combat is won but totally whiffs on all his attacks!
The game ends on Turn 6 with the Necron objective contested and The Deceiver having wiped out the Tactical Squad holding the Ultramarine objective. A hard fought draw!
The joys of 5e. The Draw is there so everyone feels good about themselves. Kudos to GW for their efforts.
"The 4th Company couldn't stop the Nightbriner before... they can't stop the Deceiver now..."
That cuts deep...
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